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Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum 

Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum

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Opinion of turen about:
I recieved my Futujara yesterday and I am very pleased! The design is amazing and the instrument is very well made. I am thoroughly pleased thank you very much! It is a bit quite than I expected and I was wondering if you have any reccomended microphones or pickups that will attach comfortably to the instrument for use with an amplifier. Thank you again I am very happy with my purchase!
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HuLuSi Professional, top quality

HuLuSi Professional, top quality

Цена за шт. (piece): €249.00

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Sound Sample:

HuLuSi in F

The chinese traditional free reed instrument with very recognisable mellow sound.
Professional superior quality, tunable, with detachable chanter and drones. Presize tuning, great workmanship.
Recommended if you're serious about your music and the instrument.
Range one octave. Has 2 drones, both of them you can individually disable.
Comes with hardcase.
ATTENTION: not all keys available at any time. please ask for availability in your order.



Tuning E Hulusi:
Chanter: B3 - C#4 - D#4 - E4 - F#4 - G#4 - B4 - C#5
Bourdons: C#4 and G#4

Tuning Hulusi F:
Chanter: C4 - D4 - E4 - F4 - G4 - A4 - C5 - D5
Bourdons: D4 and A4

Tuning Hulusi G:
Chanter: D4 - E4 - F#4 - G4 - A4 - B4 - D5 - E5
Bourdons: E4 and B4

Tuning Hulusi C5:
Chanter: G4 - A4 - B4 - C5 - D5 - E5 - G5 - A5
Bourdons: A4 and D5

Tuning Hulusi D5:
Chanter: A4 - B4 - C#5 - D5 - E5 - F#5 - A5 - B5
Bourdons: B4 and F#5



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Футуяра - гибридная фуяра, 5 инструментов в одном!

Турецкий кавал
Турецкий кавал

Изменено: Monday, 13 May 2024 21:26

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Rare ethnic musical instruments for sell: percussion, jew's harps: khomus, kou xiang, dan moi, ncaas; overtone flutes. fujara, futujara, kalyuka